The tale of Epiphany

A poem dedicated to and inspired by the glory of Mother Nature and the power of the Soul.

Nitya Sharma
2 min readJan 5, 2023
The Starry Night by Yiting Wu on Pinterest

The luminous sun of the crepuscule hued eventide bespangles the skies with tears frozen in time ,

and glistening in them are the remains of the enchanting fairytales that are as old as an ancient cellar’s wine

the arms of slumber softly catch me when I fall into the warm sheets only to be awakened by the touch of magic ,

then I head to twist the door knob of my room as I hear the distant billows blabbering in the glory of the divine pelagic

somehow I feel my curious feet brush the cool grains of sand and the royal azurite colored water tickling my toes ,

an unapologetic giggle escapes past my lips as it breaks free from the strong hold of my prison of woes

the euphonious song of the crickets duels with those of the wise owls for the forest to sway along in bliss ,

and I gaze about with tear filled eyes at the marvelous miracles of Life that this Being in me experiences

the bottomless sea of water below mimics the endless sea of space above till the great edge of the horizon ,

for it is at the dead of the night when the Soul comes divinely alive with that of Mother Nature together as One

© Nitya Sharma 2023. All rights reserved.

Poem synopsis:

In the poem above , I have tried to portray the capability of our consciousness. It is in our minds that we create numerous reasons of anxiety and doubt that leads to turbulence . Ironically , it is the same place where we can create stillness for inner peace just like equilibrium .

The character above writes of trying to find herself in the infinity of Life and in the many forms Mother Nature takes . She tries to let go of her worries that have been with her for too long , and tries to trust and be One with the moment of joy that she is experiencing.

I leave it to your perception for deciding whether all of this actually happened with her , or was it all a dream in her head?

If you think that the latter holds true , I would like to quote Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore , “Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”

Gratitude note :

Thank you for reading my poetry. I feel immensely grateful for your presence here , dear reader. I appreciate your claps/comments/shares and follows. If you would like to , please feel free to let me know your thoughts on my poem in the comments.



Nitya Sharma

Student of Life. Learning poetess who is seeking her purpose.